Season 4: Animals and Sound
In Season 4 of the Animal Turn, Claudia speaks to scholars from a variety of disciplines about animals and sound. In this Season Claudia hopes understand how animals and sound are related as well as the ways in which thinking about sound (and sound related concepts) might help with understanding animals and their lives. Claudia talks to geographers, bio-acousticians, archivists, musicians, and critical animal studies scholars about a diverse range of concepts including soundscapes, sonic methods, bioacoustics, sound archives, voice, and republic of noise.
Thank you to Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law and Ethics (A.P.P.L.E) for sponsoring this podcast; the Sonic Arts Studio and the Sonic Arts of Place Laboratory (SAPLab) for sponsoring this season; Gordon Clarke (Instagram: @_con_sol_) for the bed music, Jeremy John (Website) for the logo, and Hannah Hunter for the Animal Highlights.
The Animal Turn is part of the iROAR, an Animals Podcasting Network and can also be found on A.P.P.L.E, Twitter, and Instagram.
Season 4 Sponsors
The Animal Turn is currently sponsored by Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law and Ethics (A.P.P.L.E). A.P.P.L.E's goal is "to help bring ‘the animal question’ into the mainstream of academic research and public debate in Canada, focusing in particular on the moral, legal and political dimensions of how human-animal relations are governed."
The Sonic Arts Studio in the Dan School of Drama and Music was founded in 1970, as the Queen’s Electroacoustic Music Studio. The Studio supports research/creation in sound synthesis and composition, field recording and spatialized audio production, including live performance and gallery installations.
The Sonic Arts of Place Laboratory (SAPLab) offers sonic, spatial and temporal attention to some of the world’s diverse ecologies. We aim to inform and inspire understandings of past relations with 'nature' and provide critical and aesthetic tools to help tackle today's complex environmental concerns.
Hannah Hunter and the Animal Highlights
As part of the sponsorship provided by SAPLab, Season 4's Animal Highlights are being done by Hannah Hunter. Hannah Hunter (she/ her) is a PhD Candidate at the Sonic Arts of Place Laboratory at Queen's University. Her research explores the intersections of animals, sounds, and extinction through the case study of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker. Hannah is particularly interested in how we can build relationships with distant and lost beings through sound, and how sound may be a potent force for representing and challenging the sixth mass extinction.
"There are so many exciting and divergent conversations happening in animal studies, so it is wonderful to have a podcast that hones in on and draws out some of these debates. The fact that there is a whole season on sound is SO exciting- I hope this season can bring attention to all the thrilling things to be found (and heard!) at the intersections of animals and sound....So much of the ways animals experience the world, and we experience animals, is sonic. When you think about it, we hear animals a lot more often than we see them, and just like us, animals depend on sound for survival, relationship building, and play. By studying animals and sound, we can understand animals' lifeworlds more richly, as well as how humanity's sonic activities impact animal lives."
- Hannah Hunter
Sound Effects in Season 4
In many of this season’s episodes we have tried to blend in some sound files so that you can hear the animals we are talking about. After Cheryl Tipp discussed sound archives on the show (see S4E4) we thought it might be neat to establish a loose partnership by adding sound elements to episodes from the British Library’s sound archive.. While some of the sounds in this season come from other databases, or from the guests themselves (such as Jonathan Prior and Bryan Pijanowski), most of them have come from the British Library's sound archive. The sound archive’s wildlife section was established in 1969 and houses over 250,000 sound recordings of animals, including over 10,000 species.. Feel free to follow the sounds and learn more about the animals you are hearing by checking them out at the library (see exact details are in episode show notes).
Reading suggestions from guests
Blog Entries
Some blog entries related to Season 4
Coming soon...
Some good listening on Podchaser
Coming soon...
Animals and Sound YouTube playlist
Coming soon...
YouTube playlist featuring animals from the Animal Highlights
Some good listening about sound